Arlington Allergy Patch Testing

Discover What You’re Allergic To

At SkinDC, our board-certified dermatologists offer comprehensive allergy patch testing to help identify and manage skin allergies effectively.

With our state-of-the-art Arlington office and industry-leading expertise, our experienced providers give you personalized care to diagnose and address your allergic reactions efficiently, ensuring optimal skin health and comfort.

What Is Allergy Patch Testing?

At SkinDC, our board-certified dermatologists offer allergy patch testing, a diagnostic procedure aimed at identifying allergic reactions to various substances that come into contact with the skin.

During this test, small patches containing potential allergens are applied to the skin, typically on the back, and left in place for around 48 hours.

Our expert providers then assess the skin's reaction to determine if there is an allergic response. This helps pinpoint specific allergens causing allergic contact dermatitis, enabling patients to take necessary steps to avoid them and improve their skin health.

Benefits of Allergy Patch Testing

Patch testing conducted by our team of expert dermatologists offers several key benefits for you and all our patients in Arlington and the surrounding areas.

  • Accuracy: Firstly, patch testing provides an accurate diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis, allowing us to identify the specific allergens triggering your skin reactions.
  • Personalized treatments: With this accurate information, we can then create personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique sensitivities, helping to alleviate symptoms and prevent future flare-ups.
  • Specific recommendations: Additionally, patch testing enables us to recommend appropriate skincare products and lifestyle modifications to minimize exposure to allergens, ultimately improving the overall health and comfort of your skin.

How Patch Testing Works at SkinDC

At SkinDC, we offer the NAC-80 North American 80 Comprehensive Series. The series consists of 80 of the top allergens that may cause an individual to develop contact dermatitis.

During the patch testing process, small patches containing these allergens are applied to your skin, typically on your back.

Over the course of several days, our dermatologists monitor your skin's reaction to these allergens to identify any sensitivities or allergic reactions. This comprehensive approach allows us to pinpoint specific triggers and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs, ensuring optimal skin health and comfort.


Common Allergens Tested

The most common disease caused by contact allergy is contact allergic dermatitis — essentially a red, itchy rash — often triggered by simple chemicals.

During your patch testing, we’ll use some of the following common allergens to determine what you’re allergic to:

  • Cosmetics
  • Fragrances
  • Preservatives
  • Certain drugs for topical use
  • Hair dye
  • Hygiene products
  • Chemical products

While contact allergy — or allergic dermatitis — can’t be cured, with a patch test from SkinDC, you can learn to easily live with your allergy and prevent rashes and other outbreaks.

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